Friday, July 27, 2007
Actually, I'm really excited to resume at the end of August: I'll be blogging from Heidelberg, Germany! I'm moving to Germany for a year to do my junior year abroad. I'm really excited.
I've barely cooked at all in the past few weeks. There have been a few good things, like that carmelized lime-ginger tofu, a strawberry sorbet, dolmades, and super-chewy oatmeal cookies, but that's about it. I'll try to blog about those soon!
And, as always, I find your blogs fabulous and inspiring-- I'm not giving those up until August, no way!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I did think of stuffed peppers or dolmades, but do you think those would be too mushy when reheated?? (And how would you reheat a dolmade, anyway? I suppose I could freeze the rolled leaves before boiling, and give them instructions on how to boil them, but that's getting pretty complicated.)
Does anyone have any brilliant ideas? (Yes, I know lasagne or marinara would freeze well, but I'd like to make something a little more exciting than that!)
Thank you!!
Summer Vegetable Saute with Garlicky Dijon Vinaigrette

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Anyway, I was checking a blog I read, two peas, no pod* the other day, and was completely surprised to see that cristy had bassed on a little blog "award" to me. Apparently I'm supposed to pass it on to 5 other people. It was really, really, really hard to choose just 5 rockin' girl blogs, but here goes (in no particular order):
Where's the Revolution?
Life, Love, Chocolate
Once Upon a Tart
Lifestyles of the Chic & Vegan
Kitschenette/The Red Kitchen
*I'll have you all know that cristy and paul's blog, based in Australia, is most definately a rockin' blog, and one that covers topics from vegan cooking to politics to academia to parenting.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Apricot Danish Pastry (a novel)

The only trick to making the pastry is that you absolutely must keep the dough cold. Earth Balance melts much, much quicker than (dairy) butter, so I cannot stress enough how important it is for the dough to be chillled. If the EB begins to look soft or melty at all, pop the whole thing into the freezer for a few minutes. This sounds fussy, but trust me, if you want your pastry to be flaky the butter must be kept cold. (All the folding and rolling creates layers of dough separated by layers of butter. When you put the pastry into the hot oven, the butter melts, leaving spaces between the dough layers, which is what makes the pastry flaky. If the butter isn't kept cold, these layers will not form, and instead the butter will get mixed into the dough. You'll have a tender, bread-like creation-- it won't be flaky.)
Even leaving the dough at room temperature to rise makes the earth balance too soft, which is why the dough needs to rise overnight in the fridge.
Anyway, if you keep everything cold enough, I think you'll find this fun and easy to make.
Apricot Danish Pastry (makes 12-- but it's easy to freeze half the dough and make just six at a time)
2 tablespoons of sugar
¼ cup of tepid water
1 tablespoon of dry active yeast
3/4 cup of (soy) milk at room temperature
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt
8 oz. (two sticks) of butter (I used Earth Balance)
about 1/2 cup of apricot jam (100% fruit type)
12 preserved apricot halves, syrup reserved
reserved syrup
1/2 cup confectioners sugar
1 tbsp reserved syrup
Place the water, milk, sugar, and yeast in a bowl and leave for a few minutes to foam.
Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl. Cut the butter into 1/2 inch cubes and mix into the flour mixture. Create a well in the center of the bowl and pour in the yeast mixture. Fold the dough together with a few gentle strokes. Be careful to handle the dough as little as possible. Cover tightly with plastic wrap, and leave the the refrigerator to rise overnight, or for 8 or so hours.

After the dough has risen (it won't have risen dramatically), lightly coat a large cutting board, pastry cloth, or wax paper taped to the table with flour. Place the dough on the surface, and shape into a rough square. Roll it into a 16 in. square, and fold into third, like a buisness letter. The closed fold--like the spine of a book-- should face your left. (If the butter begins to soften at any point in the rolling-folding process, imediately pop the dough in the freezer for a quick cool-down.) Roll the dough out again into a 10x24 in. rectangle. Fold it in thirds again, the closed fold to your left, and roll out into a 20 in. square. Fold the square in thirds, so that you have a long rectangle, and turn the closed fold to your left. Roll the dough out once more into a 10x24 in. rectangle, and fold it in thirds again. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap, and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes before proceeding.
After the dough has chilled, take it out of the fridge and cut in half. If you want to freeze half the dough, now is the time. (Note-- the apricots are enough for the full amount of pastry, so if you're only using half the dough, you'll only need 6.)

Right before baking, brush each pastry with the reserved syrup. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until golden brown. Place on a rack to cool.
Mix the confectioners sugar with the syrup, and drizzle on each pastry after they have cooled a bit.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Danish Pastries

Sunday, July 1, 2007
Fresh Corn and Tomato Soup

Hot sauce of your choice, for garnish