Hello again! Thank you so much for your suggestions about cooking and such. I finally got sick of a steady diet of pb, toast, and apples. This week many big salads full of whatever vegetables I could lay my hands on were consumed. Not the most creative cuisine ever, but it's much healthier than toast and pb!
Anyway, I made a sort of meal plan for the coming week, so now I HAVE to cook. It's not the healthiest stuff ever, but I have some vegetables to use up, and not much time this week. It's the last week of the semester here in Germany, and I have two exams. Then I have two months of no classes, but I'll have to write two papers (one 15pg, the other 25-- in German!) during this time. But I'll certainly have more time to cook.

And-- my daffodills!! Aren't they pretty? I bought them exactly two weeks ago for less than 2 Euros. They were about 10 cm tall, and just two weeks later, they're about 30cm and in bloom. Pretty nifty. They live on my windowsill. (That's the view from my window, the street where I live.)

good luck on your exams and papers! and you live on a very cute street
Sounds pretty good to me! I don't even want to think about all that studying!
Lovely photos by the way!
Good luck with the exams!
I haven't been eating the most creative cuisine either, but it's been pretty cheap and relatively healthy. For me, I've been trying to save a little extra cash. Great pics, btw!
I love the view from your window! Didn't know you could have daffodils on the windowsill.
so glad you're hanging in there!! your food sounds great, no worries; and those daffodils are simply stunning!!
best of luck with your examinations!! continue hanging in there!! :0)
Glad to see you back in the blogging world! Your daffodils make me jealous! It's still cold, gray, and slushy here. I'm longing for spring!
What a gorgeous outlook.
The view from your apartment looks way familiar - go Heidelberg! Are you enjoying your time across the ocean (getting to travel much?)? How are classes? Just wanted you to know that I'm cheering you along and hoping your spring is warm and sunny!
Your organized plan looks like a great idea to me. I hope it helps the cooking bug come back!
It's awesome that you're getting back into the swing of things. Can't wait to see some pictures!
And that is the tiniest street ever!
Ever think about going Raw Foods Vegan??
Wow. I feel like I recognize your street. Are you in the Altstadt of Heidelberg? If so, that is awesome. Hope your exams went/are going well!
Your handwriting is so NEAT! Personally, I'm a huge a fan of lists and planning.
The daffies are so lovely and hopeful.
Hi! We saw your beautiful daffodils and had to comment. We looove daffodils and grow a few, but yours definitely have the better view!
Nice looking view you have there.
hm, i've only had spatzle once and lets say it was my dad's crazy little project and it didn't turn out so well... but you've inspired me to give it another go!logo design
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