Ramblings on food, the city, arts and crafts...
The Best Chocolate Cake (serves 8)
I'm not going to lie: since you need to press and marinate the tofu, this isn't one of those meals that you can throw together 5 minutes before the guests arive. But, it isn't at all hard, even though it does have a number of steps. Note that for best results, the breadcrumbs should be smaller than the ones you see in my picture (lots of mine were too big to stick).
2 cups all-purpose flour
a pinch of salt
2 tbsp vegetable oil
150 ml warm water
Mix all the ingredients together. Knead for 10 minutes. Brush the ball of dough with oil, put back in the bowl, cover tightly with plastic wrap, and let rest for at least one hour and up to overnight. It's very important to knead it for the full time and to let it rest because it makes it much easier to strech.
After the dough has reasted, prepare the filling:
6 granny smith apple, peeled and thinly sliced
1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 cup melted butter
Mix everything together except the butter. Then prepare to stretch the dough. Be sure to take off any watches or rings that could tear the dough. The stretching process sounds really complicated, but it takes about three minutes.
Preheat the oven to 400 F and brush a large baking sheet with oil.
Sprinkle a cloth tablecloth or a very large tea towel with flour. Begin shaping and stretching the dough with your hands-- don't put it on the cloth yet. Grasp it by the edges and let it stretch down. Keep moving your hands around the circumference of the dough. When the dough is too large to comfortable stretch like this, drape it over the backs of your hands, and stretch it by moving your hands apart. When the dough is too thin to hold and stretch, gently lay it on the cloth. Stretch the edges out, moving around the table to keep it even. The dough is supposed to be thin enough to read a newspaper through, but it's quite tasty even if it isn't that thin! When the dough is stretched as thinly as possible, trim off the the thick edges. Brush with most of the butter. Spread the apple filling over the dough, leaving a 2-3 inch border without apples on the long edge farthest from you. Using the cloth, roll the dough away from you. The first fold should be about 3'' wide. Put it on a baking sheet brushed with oil, brush the strudel with the rest of the butter, and bake till golden brown, about 20 -25 minutes.
As you can see, I made two strudels, a poppyseed and an apple. The poppyseed strudel was made with a slightly sweet, slightly yeasted dough. They were both good.
Spice mix for a tofu scramble. Aren't spices pretty? This photo make me wish I were in Morocco!Not a bad way to start the day...