Sunday, May 6, 2007

Eastern Europe...

Food-wise this was a rather uninspiring week. And as I have finals coming up this week, it probably won't be much better! So I've eaten lots of pita and hummous and salad this past week. There were only a few photo-worthy meals, namely blini and strudel-- I must have been getting in touch with my Eastern European side! I LOVE making strudel. It's faster than apple pie, lots, lots healthier (only 2 tbsp of oil for two apple strudels), and fun to make. The blini were really good, too. I couldn't believe it: none of them stuck, not even the first one! I used a cast iron pan, and I only oiled it once at the beginning. That's what the recipe said to do, and I was sure I'd need to put more oil on it, but I didn't.

As you can see, I made two strudels, a poppyseed and an apple. The poppyseed strudel was made with a slightly sweet, slightly yeasted dough. They were both good.

Spice mix for a tofu scramble. Aren't spices pretty? This photo make me wish I were in Morocco!Not a bad way to start the day...


rusvaplaukÄ— said...

Ah, your food looks divine. What recipe did you use for the strudels?

Caty said...

Everything looks delicious! What recipe did you use for the blini?

Pille said...

Just curious where's exactly your Eastern European origins?

x said...

Do you have a recipe for the poppyseed strudel?